Thursday, July 28, 2011

                         Chapter 3 The History of Sexuality describes sexuality as it existed in the eighteenth and nineteenth century. As I read, it was nothing surprising to realize how taboo the issue of sexuality was. “Sexual irregularity was annexed to mental illness,” this shocked me to know that they interpret excessive sexual needs into a medical problem. During that century it was uncommon to have strange desires or even more desires than the next person. All the possible deviance during that period of time was carefully examined and described to prevent anything but a normal sexual development. They made sure to provide medical treatment and the proper therapy needed to help with “mental illness.” It was a mission to make sure no one had extreme fantasies even with their partner and if that was not enough, masturbation was out of the question. I think one of that century’s major problems is reducing the number of possible population. I think they believed if masturbation was allowed people will continue masturbating without the need to reproduce and cause a decrease of population needed. Now we grow learning that seeking self pleasure is not only normal but healthy. It has been stated that masturbation and other sexual accessories have decreased sexual violent offenses.
         Moreover, Marriage was another major deal and problematic situation during the eighteenth century. Marriage came with rules and regulations, which appeared more of a job than a loving relationship. It was interesting to learn that the sexual activities between a husband and wife were also being regulated. If there was a lack of sexual activity, the couple had to plead before a witness to get back on track. The severity of lack of sexual pleasure in a marriage was to be settled and treated as if it was against the law. Furthermore, other severe deviations included, adultery, rape, incest, bestiality, and marriage without parental consent. When it came down to the judicial laws, homosexuality fell into the same system as of adultery. These deviances were taken into account in the religious and civil jurisdictions. Another shocking thing I learned was that being born a hermaphrodite was a crime and they were treated as criminals. This was a crime because their sex wasn’t distinguished and could not fall into society’s strict categories of male or female. It was hard for me to understand the meaning of their actions when it came to hermaphrodites because to me it is something humanly impossible to prevent. They feared difference, uncommon, and as a result they restricted the issue instead of understanding it. Finally, the segregation of gender’s was proof of the fear society had and the method they use to “control” excessive fantasies. This article about sexuality really helps me appreciate the amount of freedom we have now. It also helps me understand how we got to this point and realize that understanding the history begin every issue helps better the issues now. I believe sex should be a free spiritual feeling that one has and shall not be governed by any one person.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Sex Comedy and Chaper 7 Blog

The Sex Comedy
            In the sex comedy article it brought points out that called my attention how develop my knowledge towards the sex topic. As the reading continued I realized how close minded people were compared to today’s world. During the 1950-1960s people had a certain concept towards women and their sexual thoughts. They all believed that all females followed the same desire of getting married and then have sexual contact with their partner. However on the other hand, men wanted to have sex before marriage. it was also mentioned that the audience enjoyed a couple who fought and insulted each other and towards the end expect to fall into bed together and make up. Having sex was seen as the solution to a couples problems so the audiences seem to buy into it.  However Walker made a mistake on he’s sex comedy by presenting women as virgins and that they were anti- sex. Little did he know that females had experienced their sexual lives even before marriage. Through every role the females was the one who played the virgin part and the male the one who wanted to have sex even before becoming committed. Alfred Kinsey made a study based on women and their sexual behaviors and this brought everyone through a shock. Through his study he found out that half of the women in this country were having unmarried sex. The interesting part was that the was an unwritten law called the “double standard” what this meant was that males were allowed to have pre-martial sex however women shouldn’t have. This whole context about the sexual behavior called my attention because in today’s life sex is simply something two people share there is no shock towards the term. In today’s society sexual contact has become more accept even before marriage. For instance, many young women are experiencing sex with their partners and having children at a young age. But I was did call my attention was how people has a certain concept about when and how they were not viewed as a anti- sexual human being. Within this article one can see how men where accepted and allowed to experience the world even before settling down. However society itself contradicts their believes the fact they at first they saw women as virgin and wanted marriage before taking it to the next level and now in the previous readings they see women as sexual objects.
Chapter 7 written but Chris Barker was interesting do to the fact that, it explained what identity meant. He mentioned how identity is our own creation; this is true because as individuals we make choice and follow our own standards and some that are taught to us. We all came into a world that was already created for us. Everything we know now is because it was taught to us and we do not even where they came from and if they are even right to follow. What I found that was the most important to us was our self-identity. Who we are and what we always struggle with. He pointed out three questions that we as individuals do ask ourselves is what to do? How to act? And who to be? This three question make many of us believe that it build or create us a person. I also enjoyed how he defined identity as a project. The way I understood this concept was that identity is a project because as growing up your life changes and your thoughts also change to a different direction. Therefore your identity suddenly changes and you defend yourself as a different person with different thoughts and living conditions.     

Monday, July 25, 2011

My Observation

 My Observation at the Park
While I took my daily run around the park with my friend I decided to do my observation there. First, I was concentrating who was running the track if there was or males or females however there were not too many people running today. While I observed these women with their children taking them to play and watching having fun. They became my target watching mother’s behaviors with their children. In the area in which I found myself there was more African American Women and some Hispanic women. As I sat there something called my attention throughout the hour that I observed their behaviors. I did not find one male figure with their family one young mother was dealing with three young children on her own. She seem tired and in desperate need of help. She had a nurse outfit but seem to still make time for her children after work. On the other side there were three African American women between all three of them they had a total of seven children with them. They sat there watching them play and talk for a while then left the park. As I continue to watch I saw a couple of males running track and playing basketball but none of them had children with them nor brought a friend alone to keep company. Then the question came to my head how many women here are actually married or living with the guy, how many are single mothers.
            Comparing my observation with the reading assigned this past week was interesting. It made me look at the world in a different way. I always believe that us women had overcome the trend of being the perfect house wife and have become a bit more liberal. However, I concluded that much has not changed for women. Both Simon Beauvoir and Chris Barker mentioned how the male figure has more power than the female figure. It toke an hour for me to come to a clear understanding that women are still seen as the one who has to work around the house take care of the children and things around the house. Enough though most of us might think times have changed they really haven’t. If the situation was different why aren’t both parents taking care of the child and having the talk among each other and not with others. Most women here seem to be the working class in other words culture from below, still trying to make time for their children. Going back to the article I saw so many young mothers with more than 1 child and I thought to myself are they also seen as a sex objects as it was mentioned in our pervious readings (Sex Comedy). Even if they are married or single now I had a different thought. No matter how independent women may prove to be they will always have the same prospective. Females will maybe always be seen as the weak ones, the ones that want to be married and be the perfect wife with the perfect looks (Sex Comedy). And possibly with dealing with economical situation and having to put up with being seen as the sex objects.
            In chapter 7 from the Cultural Studies book I came across the identity section. Personally I felt it did fall into my observation. I saw how important language was for our society (Barker Pg 224). That is one way to understand each other as individuals. Even the children talked among each other in the playground. That was one way to get to know each other and somehow identify their personalities (Chris Barker). In the Culture Studies book it was it mentions how identity is our own creation and we change it as time goes. It is easily agreeable we are taught certain traits with our families and as we grow up we decided what we want to follow (Barker  Pg 221). As for these women having two jobs is part of their life they work to be providers for their families and be known as independent women and on the other hand they still take care of their duties at home. We are intentionally taught certain standards without asking ourselves if they are completely right to follow or where they come from. After I read this particular chapter I asked myself if being a real women meant to be a mother and get married and follow what society itself have taken care of making us believe (Barker Pg 217). I have concluded that even though time has changed we are still seen the same way and that is something that will never change. Men and women will always be identified the same way one being the powerful one and the other being the weaker person.
Work Cited Page
Barker, Chris. Cultural Studies. Los Angeles: SAGE, 2008. Print.
De Beauvoir, Simone. "The Second Sex Introduction Woman as Other." Print.
"The Sex Comedy." 38-59. Print.


             Jerry Maguire was introduced as a successful man who lived a wealthy life. Within the beginning of the film he was surrounded by people who loved him and where there for him. He worked with sports people and he’s responsibility was to take care of he’s clients. In one dream he realized that if he cut down he’s clients he can get closer to them and understand them as a person as well. So during that night he started to write till he felt he proved his point to why it was important to cut down clients and concentrate on each individual. The people that surrounded him felt his life was full of luck he had great friends, a wonderful life plus a great successful women around him. However, as viewer can see that as a person he was not complete he had a lot of pressure with work and his personal life.
            This film was real interesting and matched the reading perfectly. Jerry being the male role was shown as the successful powerful fear less man. Even when he lost his job he knew that everything was going to change he still did not give up he continue to fight for his job and help his one customer till he became famous. This can relate to the second sex article where it mentioned that the male rule was the primary role in society. Even in movies males are viewed as heroes and are respected. However on the other hand, both females have different roles. The first girl who was engaged with Jerry was demanding and over controlling and adventurous. She was concern on what people said she made sure to make people know that he was successful but could never survive alone. The other girl who left her job to support him seem as innocent and quiet female. She was a single mother who seem to look for love. Personally speaking, if comparing both the readings to the film one can state that the female role is still view in a negative matter. The reason why is because even though one demonstrated to have a the upper hand she was seen as crazy and simply a demanding person. At the end Jerry still made up his mind and left her. As for the other women she was seen as a sensitive person the perfect house wife the one who would help Jerry but still put up with his behavior even when he left her.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Second Sex

The Second Sex
            As reading The Second Sex article it called my attention because of the description of women.  Within the reading I realized how women are looked down upon. At one point the author did want to prove a point that all men and women are not different from each other. Instead of being looked at or even thought as two separated individuals she wanted to convince the audience to think of themselves as one or in other words simply just as human beings. I do agree with this concept do to the fact that no men is more or less than any women or vice versa. In today’s world women have overcome many obstacles and have proved themselves as independent, smart and strong individuals. My concern start the moment I read that a female writer decided to declare herself as a male writer simply because she felt that as a male writer she would have a saver position and support. As the reading continued I noticed how women were being characterized as being different. They were viewed as sex objects and the male in no need of them. The males were seen as the superior ones and the ones that had more rights. They were glorified with rights and were often times right. On the other had women were wrong they had a negative concept upon themselves. Something that I personally, found interesting was the description that was used that society unintentionally follows. We as individuals divide ourselves as being different by the way both sex walk or dress, smile and body types. Because of this whole believe that has been taught to us as a society has made us believe that a certain look fits a male or female.
            Women are not recognized in history simply because they only receive what is given to them.  They do not follow their own religion they follow the rights men have fought for as a whole. They do not talk about themselves a whole group such as saying “We” like me do they still refer themselves as women. To my knowledge, I felt as if people saw or view women as not independent and that they lived of the male work can either be the husband or father. It were always seen as the house wife, and had to get use to the economic condition that was provided to them. At one point I can agree to this because in the previous times it was believed that the male was the provider the house hold. On the other hand the female had to do the house work and take care of the children. As already mention, times have changed women have become independent and have fought for their own rights and have provided to be providers for themselves. Even though society itself have took charge to make women look as weak, sensitive and as different from males they have overcome many situations where they have provide that females do exist.      

Monday, July 18, 2011

The Politics of Culture

            The knowledge gained throughout this particular reading was interesting.  The topic of culture was introduced in a different way. It was mentioned how the word “culture” represents different means. Most people understand culture as the way people communicate among each other or how they may eat. It can also represent the way a person engages at their work force and even at a family gathering. Throughout the explanation of culture it was brought up that the term involves rituals, language and the arts. Furthermore, the author gets more into dept with the culture concept. They mention how the media demonstrates the roles and what they make society believe is at its perfection. They Women believe that a certain look is what has to be follow to be considered beautiful. This is agreeable do to the fact that in today’s society all we see is super models with slim figures and with perfect nose and the list can go on. One will rarely come across a TV show or a magazine that say to accept what you have and what you are. This is when the question begins on my behalf how is culture really defined if society has made us change who we are and follow a certain style or music. Through this short reading I got to understand culture a world that will never have a real meaning. Everyone has their own definition however, after reading this article I got to understand that culture is who you represent to society itself. It may be the type of degree that you earned, where you work or the material objects a person owns.
     Culture from above and below; they gave an example of two social groups in other words the upper class and the lower class. Within this example they were give an understanding that the upper – class value high culture art. One can conclude, that the upper class have the chance to learn more about art and other subjects that are offered in schools. In comparison the lower- class get their knowledge from their families and school. But it was understood that the lower- class were being educated to be at the bottom if the class ladder. The media is at the top it was described in a way where gender roles are being discriminated and ethic and economic terms are being shared. It also says how in the other point of view culture is viewed from the bottom up and seems to pay more attention to music and attitudes. I believe the reason why they pay more attention to the media and music is because what is being said is something that applies to their life experience and culture. Often times singers and actors have a background that starts from below where they had struggles and worked hard to get where they are now. That allows society to imagine and want more with their lives. The music might be seen as an inspiration to life the fact that someone can share a similar struggle or illusion. Overall, culture is known to come from below is represents permanent possibilities.