Chapter 3 The History of Sexuality describes sexuality as it existed in the eighteenth and nineteenth century. As I read, it was nothing surprising to realize how taboo the issue of sexuality was. “Sexual irregularity was annexed to mental illness,” this shocked me to know that they interpret excessive sexual needs into a medical problem. During that century it was uncommon to have strange desires or even more desires than the next person. All the possible deviance during that period of time was carefully examined and described to prevent anything but a normal sexual development. They made sure to provide medical treatment and the proper therapy needed to help with “mental illness.” It was a mission to make sure no one had extreme fantasies even with their partner and if that was not enough, masturbation was out of the question. I think one of that century’s major problems is reducing the number of possible population. I think they believed if masturbation was allowed people will continue masturbating without the need to reproduce and cause a decrease of population needed. Now we grow learning that seeking self pleasure is not only normal but healthy. It has been stated that masturbation and other sexual accessories have decreased sexual violent offenses.
Moreover, Marriage was another major deal and problematic situation during the eighteenth century. Marriage came with rules and regulations, which appeared more of a job than a loving relationship. It was interesting to learn that the sexual activities between a husband and wife were also being regulated. If there was a lack of sexual activity, the couple had to plead before a witness to get back on track. The severity of lack of sexual pleasure in a marriage was to be settled and treated as if it was against the law. Furthermore, other severe deviations included, adultery, rape, incest, bestiality, and marriage without parental consent. When it came down to the judicial laws, homosexuality fell into the same system as of adultery. These deviances were taken into account in the religious and civil jurisdictions. Another shocking thing I learned was that being born a hermaphrodite was a crime and they were treated as criminals. This was a crime because their sex wasn’t distinguished and could not fall into society’s strict categories of male or female. It was hard for me to understand the meaning of their actions when it came to hermaphrodites because to me it is something humanly impossible to prevent. They feared difference, uncommon, and as a result they restricted the issue instead of understanding it. Finally, the segregation of gender’s was proof of the fear society had and the method they use to “control” excessive fantasies. This article about sexuality really helps me appreciate the amount of freedom we have now. It also helps me understand how we got to this point and realize that understanding the history begin every issue helps better the issues now. I believe sex should be a free spiritual feeling that one has and shall not be governed by any one person.