Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Second Sex

The Second Sex
            As reading The Second Sex article it called my attention because of the description of women.  Within the reading I realized how women are looked down upon. At one point the author did want to prove a point that all men and women are not different from each other. Instead of being looked at or even thought as two separated individuals she wanted to convince the audience to think of themselves as one or in other words simply just as human beings. I do agree with this concept do to the fact that no men is more or less than any women or vice versa. In today’s world women have overcome many obstacles and have proved themselves as independent, smart and strong individuals. My concern start the moment I read that a female writer decided to declare herself as a male writer simply because she felt that as a male writer she would have a saver position and support. As the reading continued I noticed how women were being characterized as being different. They were viewed as sex objects and the male in no need of them. The males were seen as the superior ones and the ones that had more rights. They were glorified with rights and were often times right. On the other had women were wrong they had a negative concept upon themselves. Something that I personally, found interesting was the description that was used that society unintentionally follows. We as individuals divide ourselves as being different by the way both sex walk or dress, smile and body types. Because of this whole believe that has been taught to us as a society has made us believe that a certain look fits a male or female.
            Women are not recognized in history simply because they only receive what is given to them.  They do not follow their own religion they follow the rights men have fought for as a whole. They do not talk about themselves a whole group such as saying “We” like me do they still refer themselves as women. To my knowledge, I felt as if people saw or view women as not independent and that they lived of the male work can either be the husband or father. It were always seen as the house wife, and had to get use to the economic condition that was provided to them. At one point I can agree to this because in the previous times it was believed that the male was the provider the house hold. On the other hand the female had to do the house work and take care of the children. As already mention, times have changed women have become independent and have fought for their own rights and have provided to be providers for themselves. Even though society itself have took charge to make women look as weak, sensitive and as different from males they have overcome many situations where they have provide that females do exist.      

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